....something beautiful is in the works ❀
I remember being in high school and always being so set on my plan for the future. I would go to college, get my teaching degree, become a teacher, and I'd do that until I retired. Surprisingly, a lot of that actually did go to plan, but after a few years of teaching, I started to not enjoy it as much. And by my 5th year, I was completely done.
I really didn't want to leave a job that I had gotten my master's degree in and spent countless nights working to improve my craft in. I also loved (and still do) teaching kids and I knew I was truly blessed to have the job that I did. It's an honor to be trusted to take care of, mentor, teach, and love on so many kids all day long.
But I was so miserable. I felt torn between my job and the other parts of my life every single day amongst many other things. I became resentful and not very fun to be around.
After many nights spent questioning what to do, I finally decided to leave what I thought would be a life-long career. It was not an easy decision and it came with a lot of hurt knowing all that I was going to be leaving. But I finished out the school year and knew when the summer came, I would be on the hunt for a new job. Side note - I made that decision around February - about half way through the school year because I just knew I couldn't do it any longer, but I didn't want to let the kids down and leave in the middle of the year.
Fast forward a little bit later - around June, and I found out that I unexpectantly got pregnant right at the end of the school year (that's another unplanned story turned into something beautiful but I'll save that for another blog lol). Isn't God funny with His timing sometimes? And now, about a year after leaving teaching, I have a BABY and a job that I love AND I get to work from home AND keep my baby home with me too. I can't imagine things playing out any better. I literally couldn't dream up a better situation...well maybe if I had a million dollars, but that comes with it's own round of problems lol.
I look back at all the things that happened the last year and it's pretty evident that God had His hand in everything. I remember crying one night so miserable with my teaching job and just asking how I could possibly make it through the school year. Soon after, I very clearly heard God say, "When have I ever not taken care of you?"
In that moment, I was instantly calm. He has a way of rocking your world with the simplest of things.
While it was probably one of the most challenging years of my life, it was also a year full of surrendering to God. And now I get to look back on that year knowing how much goodness came out of it.
He provided over and over again even when my faith was shaky and I had to cling to every little bit of last hope and trust in Him that I had.
And He provided me with things that I didn't even think to ask for. Things that I didn't even know I wanted or needed. He's a God that takes care of His children. And when you cling to Him (sometimes for dear life)...the things He will do for you, will blow your freaking mind.
In the days, weeks, months, or years of trials that you might be facing...don't lose hope. Something beautiful is in the works. You can't see it right now, but it's coming. Trust Him.
One day, you'll look back and say, "Only God...."
Much love,
Brittany ♡