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6 Months of Lukey

Writer's picture: Brittany MajorBrittany Major

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Some of my favorite things from this month:

+ My by far favorite thing this month is Luke's little sideways pose. He rolls to his side, rests his hand on his leg like a model, and then gives you a little smirk and it kills me

+ I also love watching him pick things up and figure out how his hands work. Whenever he sees his pacifier, he grabs it and keeps trying to twist around until he gets it perfectly in his mouth, lol

+ A game changer this month has been that he can pretty much feed himself these days. Although sometimes I set him up and give him his bottle but then he seems to think he's so proficient in that skill that he can feed himself one-handed so he's a little too big for his britches

Things I've learned/been reminded of this month:

+ That God works all things for good. It's so crazy to me to think that I started a brand new job this time last year and now here we are a year later and I get to work from home and be with Luke all's the BEST. I took a huge leap of faith quitting teaching after 5 years and I am reminded of His goodness every day when I wake up and get to do both things I love. I would have had to pick and choose had I not listened to those nudges. It's a wild ride, but it's pretty amazing to be living out answered prayers. Sometimes you just have to hold on (even if you're clinging to the hope of others), keep praying, and lean in to those nudges.

+ That gratitude leaves more room for joy. Lately I have been really reflecting on how the more grateful I am, the less room I have for thoughts of resentment, frustration, and stress. One of the opposites of thankful is when I need some joy, I try to grab those unhelpful thoughts and turn them into gratitude. And if it's hard to find some, it might be an invitation to try something new.

Thank you, Luke, for 6 months of love, lessons, and cuteness. We love you big.

Much love,

Brittany ♡

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